
Fresh Olive Oil Mayonnaise

Although the fresh version only keeps for two weeks in the refrigerator, the flavor is amazing!!! The eggs are heated in this recipe and are not raw.


2 yolks or     1 whole

Olive Crush Farms Free-range country fresh egg(s)

2 Tbsp.

2 Tbsp.

1/2 tsp.

2 tsp. or                       1 tsp.

¼ tsp.


1 cup

Lemon juice


Granulated sugar

Dijon Mustard or

    Dry mustard

Kosher Salt

Fresh ground pepper

Olive Crush Farms Arbequina Olive Oil


Combine the egg yolks (or whole egg), lemon juice, water, and sugar in a small saucepan. Heat on very low heat, stirring constantly with a rubber spatula. When the mixture starts to thicken, immediately remove from heat and place the pan in cold water to immediately stop the eggs from cooking. Pour the mixture into the food processor and wait five minutes. Add the mustard, salt, and pepper to the eggs and process for five seconds. While the machine is running, add the Arbequina Olive Oil in a very slow steady stream (Most processors have a tiny hole specifically for this in the feed tube); process until thickened (about 45 seconds). Transfer to a clean container and refrigerate immediately.

Makes one cup.

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